Be brave


In today's rapidly evolving world, the need for diverse and inclusive workplaces is more crucial than ever. One individual who has made it her mission to address these issues head-on is Axelle Ahanhanzo, the founder of LAUDACE. With a focus on advancing the psychological safety, inclusion, sense of belonging, and well-being of neurodivergent women, Black women, and women of colour in the workforce.

Axelle Ahanhanzo’s story is one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Having personally experienced with discrimination and mind games in her own workplace, she understands the toll it takes on individuals and their well-being. This firsthand encounter with workplace trauma ultimately led her to a burnout, but instead of succumbing to the challenges, Axelle channelled her energy into creating a positive change.

LAUDACE operates on three fundamental action pillars: Advocate, Educate and Embolden. 

My Autism is my super Power

Clitch founder - Axelle Ahanhanzo

Being open to learn, Even things you know already but you Humble yourself to get a new perspective.

At the core of LAUDACE’s mission is the amplification of voices that often go unheard. Axelle Ahanhanzo recognizes the importance of creating platforms for marginalised individuals to share their experiences, challenges, and ideas. Through advocacy initiatives, LAUDACE aims to give voice to the stories of neurodivergent women, Black women, and women of colour, fostering a more inclusive and diverse narrative within the corporate world.

LAUDACE understands that true change begins with education. The organisation is committed to dismantling systemic inequities by providing training and resources to companies and organisations. By raising awareness and offering educational programs, LAUDACE helps bridge the knowledge gap.

Clitch founder - Axelle Ahanhanzo

Axelle Ahanhanzo firmly believes that empowerment is key to breaking down barriers. Through LAUDACE, she strives to instil courage and resilience in individuals, helping them navigate the challenges of the corporate world. By fostering a supportive community and providing mentorship opportunities so those women can thrive.